In the 13th century when theologians were arguing how many angels could stand on the head of a pin, Thomas Aquinas, an inquisitive scholar of the Dominican Order of Friars, posed the famous question: "Which came first – the hen or the egg?" After much debate, it was agreed that mama hen came before her ovoid product. Aquinas recorded the consensus in his religious treatise … [Read more...] about Sláinte! The Ubiquitous Egg
Slainte: Irish Recipes
Sláinte! Goddess Meets Groundhog
Time passes and things change. As people migrate from nation to nation around the earth, they may leave the land of their birth behind, but their travel gear is packed chock full of tradition. No matter where the emigrants settle, customs and festivities that have weathered the test of time find a new home as well. Sometimes the celebration is adopted whole and intact. One of … [Read more...] about Sláinte! Goddess Meets Groundhog