The Maze is a one-hour program that explores life inside the notorious Maze Prison (also known as H-Block) in Northern Ireland, as former inmates from both communities, as well as former prison officers tell their stories. The opening sequences are of rare early footage of life inside the original Long Kesh prison in which a prison camp atmosphere existed, and Republicans and … [Read more...] about Inside The Maze
Ladies of Mercy
On July 18, 2001, Dorothy Marie and Gwen Hennessey of the Sisters of St. Francis of The Holy Family, left their fellow sisters and friends to report to Pekin Federal Correctional Institute in Illinois. They were sentenced to six months for a November 2000 protest at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. Founded in 1946 and funded by U.S. taxpayers, SOA … [Read more...] about Ladies of Mercy
Sister Act
How a committed sister freed her brother from prison.In 1980 the body of Katharina Brow was found in her trailer home in Ayer, Massachusetts. She had been stabbed to death and robbed of money and jewelry. Suspects were questioned but the case languished for two years until an anonymous phone call tipped the police that Kenny Waters had admitted to the crime. Kenny already had a … [Read more...] about Sister Act
News from Ireland:
“H Blocks” to Close
Under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, 430 Republican and Loyalist prisoners jailed in the notorious "H blocks" have been released as the Maze Prison prepares to close. Only a handful remain who have been ruled ineligible for release because the organizations they belong to are not on the verifiable ceasefire list. These include members of the Continuity IRA, the Real … [Read more...] about News from Ireland:
“H Blocks” to Close