Three Irish brothers responded to the disaster and were part of the recovery effort. Detective Sergeant Peter McCormack,33, and Captain Paul McCormack, 32, of the 41st Precinct in the South Bronx, and their brother, Brendan, 30, an ironworker, all volunteered their services in the wake of the September 11 attack.
Peter joined in the search and rescue operation until his work … [Read more...] about The McCormacks:
Brothers United
New York City
The McCormacks:
Ron McComiskey:
Evacuation from Manhattan
Ron McComiskey has been a captain on private vessels around New York Harbor for 20 years and when the World Trade Center erupted on September 11 he knew where to go -- straight to the scene to rescue victims.
By his estimate, he made about 12 trips that fateful day, transporting about 100 to 150 people from South Street Seaport in Manhattan through the smoke and debris to the … [Read more...] about Ron McComiskey:
Evacuation from Manhattan
Report From Ground Zero
An excerpt from Dennis Smith's latest book. ℘℘℘ In the chief's van, Chief Pfeifer hears the Manhattan dispatcher announce that a plane has gone into tower 1 of the World Trade Center. The chief reaches for the telephone. "Battalion 1 to Manhattan." "Okay," the dispatcher answers. It is John Lightsey who is working the microphone this shift. "We have another report of a … [Read more...] about Report From Ground Zero
Dennis Smith
Writer and former firefighter Dennis Smith has spent a lot of time in the company of firefighters since September 11th. He is the founding editor of Firehouse magazine and best-selling author of Report from Engine Co. 82 and other books. He is a licensed financial advisor (having completed federal series 7, series 63 and series 65 exams) and writes a financial advice column for … [Read more...] about Dennis Smith
Goal USA: Humanitarian Relief
Goal, an Irish humanitarian relief agency with offices in New York, is undertaking a major relief program in and around the Northern Afghan city of Mazar I Sharif. Like Concern's personnel, Goal workers were evacuated from Afghanistan due to heightened insecurity following the September 11 attacks. Again like Concern, they refused to leave the region and set up teams in … [Read more...] about Goal USA: Humanitarian Relief