Several buzzwords, not all of them kind, have been used to describe the current state of health care in America. The word that guides Dr. Kevin Cahill’s nearly 50-year career in medicine is ‘solidarity.’ “Solidarity is a wonderful Latin American word that means “Are you willing to get down in the mud with people?” he says. “So that’s why I stay practicing … [Read more...] about Dr. Kevin Cahill: Irish America Hall of Fame
Dr. James Watson: Irish America Hall of Fame
He helped map the structure of DNA. Next up is a cure for cancer. James Watson helped unravel the structure of DNA, a feat so stunning that it is considered the greatest scientific achievement of the 20th century. A Nobel Prize winner as a result, Dr. Watson is deeply proud of his Irish heritage and is “very pleased” to be inducted into the Irish America Hall of Fame on March … [Read more...] about Dr. James Watson: Irish America Hall of Fame
Chasing Miracles: The Crowley Family’s Journey
The Crowleys refer to themselves as “a very average American family” who simply did “what almost any other parents would have wanted to do” in the face of a situation that was presented by the medical establishment to be hopeless. But this is a family who, when facing impossible challenges, rose to the occasion in a fashion incredible enough to be the subject of two full-length … [Read more...] about Chasing Miracles: The Crowley Family’s Journey
Miracle Worker: Helen Keller & Annie Sullivan
The extraordinary story of Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller, including little-known facts about a trip they made to Ireland In 1930, a visitor to Ireland wrote to a friend: “You must see Killarney…Can you imagine mountains of rhododendrons rising and massive into the bluest sky you’ve ever been under – white, crimson, scarlet, pink, buff, yellow and every shade God has painted … [Read more...] about Miracle Worker: Helen Keller & Annie Sullivan
Kevin Cahill: A Healer on a Global Mission
A TV mini-series could be made about the adventures Dr. Kevin Cahill has had in the various countries he has worked in. (After his wife died in 2004, he calculated that he had worked in 65 countries. She had been to 45 of them with him.) On a number of occasions, his life was in danger. Caught up in the civil war in southern Sudan in the late 1960s, he received a telegram that … [Read more...] about Kevin Cahill: A Healer on a Global Mission