Waveriders, the acclaimed documentary directed by Dublin native Joel Conroy and coming out on DVD March 16, is based around an unusual premise: modern-day surfing’s Irish-American roots. The award-winning film traces the history of the “father of modern surfing,” Irish-Hawaiian George Freeth, as well as showcasing the work of Ireland’s top surfers in incredible footage atop … [Read more...] about Waverider: The Irish Roots of Surfing
Island of Ireland
Beautiful Kerry
Who was the first European to discover the Americas? Contrary to popular opinion, it may not have been Christopher Columbus. In fact, it may well have been St. Brendan – an Irishman who hailed from County Kerry. Kerry is one of the loveliest of Ireland’s counties and if you have not yet paid it a visit, it might now be time for you to undertake St. Brendan’s journey in reverse. … [Read more...] about Beautiful Kerry
Sikh the Fair Land: Faiths o’ the Irish
Sixteen graduate students from Columbia University’s School of Journalism traveled to Ireland and found a country of many cultures and religions. ℘℘℘ The Indian Christians in Galway By Betwa Sharma and Zachary Goelman The ground floor entrance of the Westwood House Hotel entices passers-by with rock music and drink specials. It is a popular haunt in Galway and people mill … [Read more...] about Sikh the Fair Land: Faiths o’ the Irish
A Thousand Welcomes?: Asylum in Ireland
“I lost three of my four children. My son is the only thing I have left,” says a mother, her voice choking with emotion. “In Nigeria, it was all gangs, armed robbers, hired assassins. You were either in or out,” remembers a young man who escaped the violence. “There was no peace in the Congo. You never knew what would happen. You’d hear bullets – grr, grr – during the … [Read more...] about A Thousand Welcomes?: Asylum in Ireland
The Trouble with Irish Language
With the Irish language under threat of extinction, you would think the Gaeltacht, small pockets of Ireland where Irish is still spoken, would be a safe haven for our native tongue. Not so. The day is drawing to a close and the sun is setting in the sky. In the dusky light, a farmer strides purposefully home, his feet heavy in earth-covered boots and a shovel slung over his … [Read more...] about The Trouble with Irish Language