Just in time for Christmas, Netflix has produced a 30 minute animated movie based on a Frank McCourt’s story rooted in his memoir Angela’s Ashes. Entitled Angela’s Christmas, the sentimental cartoon may well earn its place alongside Charlie Brown’s Christmas and The Year Without a Santa Claus when it comes to future holiday favorites. Angela’s Christmas features the voice work … [Read more...] about Irish Eye on Hollywood: Angela’s Christmas
Irish Eye on Hollywood
Irish Eye on Hollywood: From Gone Girl to Widows
In November, Liam Neeson and Colin Farrell will team up with Irish American writer Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl) in a crime thriller loaded with talent. Entitled Widows, the film features Neeson as one of a quartet of thieves who are killed in the middle of a heist. Their widows (among them Oscar winner Viola Davis) decide to finish the job. Widows is based on a 1980s British … [Read more...] about Irish Eye on Hollywood: From Gone Girl to Widows
Irish Eye on Hollywood: TV & Streaming Report
You can catch a creepy Irish horror story called The Lodgers on Netflix right now. Directed by Brian O’Malley, The Lodgers is set in 1920s Carlow, where a brother and sister live a mysterious life on their family estate. But things get decidedly scarier at night, when the house becomes possessed by some kind of supernatural force. When an Irish soldier happens upon the family, … [Read more...] about Irish Eye on Hollywood: TV & Streaming Report
Irish Eye on Hollywood: TV & Streaming Report
You can catch a creepy Irish horror story called The Lodgers on Netflix right now. Directed by Brian O’Malley, The Lodgers is set in 1920s Carlow, where a brother and sister live a mysterious life on their family estate. But things get decidedly scarier at night, when the house becomes possessed by some kind of supernatural force. When an Irish soldier happens upon the family, … [Read more...] about Irish Eye on Hollywood: TV & Streaming Report
Irish Eye on Hollywood: Irish Women CanStand the Heat
From the 1990 Sean Penn movie State of Grace to the bygone NBC drama The Black Donnellys (which introduced the entertainment world to a young Olivia Wilde), the Irish gangs of New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen have provided plenty of entertainment material. But a forthcoming, star-studded movie will put a new focus on this rough terrain – the wives of Irish-American bad … [Read more...] about Irish Eye on Hollywood: Irish Women CanStand the Heat