Playwright Eugene O'Neill, the only American dramatist to win the Nobel Prize, will be the subject of a March 27 edition of PBS' documentary series "The American Experience." The show, entitled Eugene O'Neill: A Documentary Film, is produced by Arthur and Barbara Gelb, the authors of the famous O'Neill biography Life With Monte Cristo. The couple also wrote the script for the … [Read more...] about Eugene O’Neill Documentary on PBS
Eugene O'Neill
Eugene O’Neill: America’s Playwright
Eugene O'Neill was one of those Irish-Americans who never set foot on Irish soil. And yet a good measure of his identity as an artist was defined by his Irishness -- something he freely admitted: "One thing that explains more than anything about me is the fact that I'm Irish. And, strangely enough, it is something that all the writers who have attempted to explain me and my … [Read more...] about Eugene O’Neill: America’s Playwright
Who’s Irish in Hell?
A look at Warren Allen Smith's Who's Who in Hell. Warren Allen Smith, whose great-grandfather was an Irish-American named Curran, has, with tongue firmly wedged in cheek, we suspect, compiled a 1200 page compendium with the fascinating title Who's Who in Hell. One might think he's rushing things a bit because the book lists atheists, humanists, naturalists, freethinkers, … [Read more...] about Who’s Irish in Hell?
Arthur Gelb – An Honorary Irishman
Irish America publisher Niall O'Dowd presented Arthur Gelb with a Waterford Crystal Harp at his office in the New York Times building on May 12. Gelb and his wife, Barbara, were named to the Honorary Irish list by the magazine for their contribution to reserving the legacy of Irish America's greatest writer, Eugene O'Neill. The Gelbs first published what was considered the … [Read more...] about Arthur Gelb – An Honorary Irishman
Hibernia: New O’Neill Play Makes New York Debut
In August, the Provincetown Playhouse in New York City hosted the very first production of Eugene O'Neill's play Personal Equation. The play was written in 1915, while O'Neill was a student at Harvard. Set at the onset of World War I, it is about characters who must decide whether to join the army or the anarchist cause, a choice that ultimately divides a father and son. The … [Read more...] about Hibernia: New O’Neill Play Makes New York Debut