The Maze is a one-hour program that explores life inside the notorious Maze Prison (also known as H-Block) in Northern Ireland, as former inmates from both communities, as well as former prison officers tell their stories. The opening sequences are of rare early footage of life inside the original Long Kesh prison in which a prison camp atmosphere existed, and Republicans and … [Read more...] about Inside The Maze
A Beautiful Success
After 22 movies Jennifer Connelly is an overnight success. Penelope Dening talks to the winner of the Best Supporting actress academy Award. A blur of bodies block the corridor, voices muffled to a hum by carpets thick as fur. At the center a slight figure in black (spike-heeled boots, leather trousers, off-the shoulder lace) extricates herself and moves towards me. Like a … [Read more...] about A Beautiful Success
Straight to the Heart
The Grand Dame of the Big Band era is still moving hearts. The houselights in the expensive supper club on New York's East Side slowly began to dim one evening last spring and conversation, which had given the room a friendly buzz, also began to fade. Through a door at the end of the room came a smiling, heavy-set woman, blonde, dressed in a blue caftan-style gown. Slowly she … [Read more...] about Straight to the Heart
Reclining With Kevin
Kevin Kline is seriously funny. Blame it on his Irish side.Settling back into a plush maroon velvet banquette in the restaurant of the Mark Hotel on Manhattan's Upper East Side, Kline sips his cappuccino, then leans forward in a conspiratorial fashion and smiles. "She was definitely in charge." Agnes Kline, his mother, was of Irish descent and a Catholic, and Robert, his … [Read more...] about Reclining With Kevin
Film Forum: No Non-Irish Need Apply?
Ethnic casting issues in movies.Our moviegoing experience would be much diminished if we had never had the chance to see Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler, Peter O'Toole as Lawrence of Arabia, Greer Garson as Mrs. Miniver, Pierce Brosnan as James Bond, or Kenneth Branagh as Henry V. We would have been equally impoverished if we had not seen Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone … [Read more...] about Film Forum: No Non-Irish Need Apply?