A film on Ireland's Jewish community. ℘℘℘ Shalom Ireland, a one-hour documentary about Ireland's remarkable yet little known Jewish community, had its U.S. premiere at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival in July. Produced, directed and written by Valerie Lapin Ganley, the film was inspired by her discovery that her Lithuanian great-grandparents were the first Jewish couple … [Read more...] about Shalom Ireland
Making Ready for
Bloomsday Centenary
June 16, 2004 is the 100th Anniversary of Leopold Bloom's Fateful Walk.
As we go to press and the world is celebrating Bloomsday, plans are already afoot for next year's "Bloomsday Centenary." Ireland's Minister for Arts, Sports and Tourism John O'Donoghue has set up the Bloomsday Centenary Coordinating Committee, to plan the event which will hopefully lure James Joyce fans … [Read more...] about Making Ready for
Bloomsday Centenary
U.S. Lawmakers Visit Dublin With Alliance
The U.S.-Ireland Alliance and Microsoft joined forces in May to bring members of the U.S. Congress not usually associated with Ireland to Dublin. Trina Vargo, President of the U.S.-Ireland Alliance, noted "the more American politicians that visit and learn about Ireland, the better for our relationship." The four-day trip included meetings with the Taoiseach, the Tanaiste, and … [Read more...] about U.S. Lawmakers Visit Dublin With Alliance
A Very Special Olympics
Lynn Tierney reports on the Games in Ireland. "Let me win but if I cannot win let me be brave in the attempt." The Special Olympics Oath goes to the heart of the matter: In the effort lies the victory, in the challenge lies the glory. It's all about the striving to do your best, not besting your competitor. This philosophy is at the center of Special Olympics, an organization … [Read more...] about A Very Special Olympics
Barney Rosset’s
Trip of A Lifetime
For Barney Rosset it was a special sort of homecoming. The inveterate publisher behind Grove Press had been invited as a guest speaker at Trinity College Dublin to mark the 50th anniversary of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. As Beckett's American publisher and close friend, it was fitting that Barney Rosset should be invited. Indeed this first trip to Ireland would become a … [Read more...] about Barney Rosset’s
Trip of A Lifetime