A New Dawn
“The question before the House, in view of the apathy, neglect, and lack of understanding,…
Angela’s Ashes Loses Its Voice
Anyone who has read Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes — and by now that probably takes…
From Angel to Devil: The Real Byrne
A revealing insight into the life of Irish actor Gabriel Byrne. Gabriel Byrne is a…
Have the Irish Made It in America?
Sociologist and best-selling author Andrew M. Greeley looks at the various immigrant waves of Irish…
Irish Americans Rock the Millenium
Irish America capped the century with a special Millenium Ball in honor of the magazine’s…
Roots: O’Malley and Molloys
These two families, although unrelated, share the same origin of their names, i.e. both are…
Sláinte: Sleeping with the Tiger
Tiger, tiger, burning bright…” William Blake’s line springs to mind whenever I think of Ireland…
The Boy from Southie
Michael Patrick MacDonald was in the third grade when the anti-busing riots broke out in…
The Connemara Prints
Fashion and celebrity photographer Kit DeFever (who has shot many Irish America covers) turns his…
The First Word: Celebrate With Concern
“Every human being has an obligation to help those less fortunate.” – George Mitchell ℘℘℘…
The Irish Role in the Viking Discovery of America
As the thousandth anniversary of the Viking discovery of America will soon be celebrated in…
When Hope and History Rhymed: The New North
The political process gets underway in Northern Ireland. 12/14/99: A “day unlike any other” was…
Cover Story
The latest updates from Irish America’s most recent print issue….
News from Ireland and happenings in Irish America….
Those We Lost
A tribute to those who have
passed on…..
Tracing the history of traditional Irish food, drink, and celebration…..
Photo Album
Photos and stories of our reader’s Irish ancestors….
Sláinte! The Night of Cakes
No Christma-a-as! No Christma-a-as!” Such was the town crier’s chant in the streets of 17th-century…