Peter Murphy
Peter Murphy has been in the financial services industry for 41 years, helping hundreds of clients achieve their financial goals. For the past eight years he has been proud to work as a financial advisor at Merrill Lynch in Southbury, Connecticut.
Peter’s Irish ancestry extends far back on both sides of his family. On his mother’s side, he is descended from Thomas Addis Emmet, a member of the Society of United Irishmen and Peter’s great-great-great-grandfather. He was the older brother of Robert Emmet, the leader of the 1803 rebellion. The Emmets were originally from County Cork and the Murphys were from County Fermanagh. Murphy is currently engaged in research on the life of Thomas Emmet in order to complete a biography of his life.
He has contributed to two books that Christine Kinealy coedited: Irish Famines Before and After The Great Hunger (2020) and Heroes of Ireland’s Great Hunger (2021). He and his wife, Denise, have two dogs, Francesca and Emmet Ulysses Murphy.