Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly has served as co-president of Einstein Nurses United (ENU) since the union’s inception in 2016. ENU is an affiliate of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals (PASNAP), which represents more than 9,000 frontline healthcare professionals across the Commonwealth. It was founded on the belief that patients receive the best care when clinical-care staff has a strong voice to advocate for both patients and themselves – an ideal Patrick Kelly holds close as the current Vice President of the PASNAP Executive Board.
The fifth of six children and a fifth-generation Irish American with family roots in Co. Tipperary, Patrick Kelly was born and raised in the Olney section of Philadelphia, where he attended 12 years of Catholic school, beginning at St. Helena Elementary School and graduating from Cardinal Dougherty High School (which closed in 2010). He graduated from Germantown Hospital and Medical Center School of Nursing in 1997, a year before the facility closed. He has worked as a critical care nurse for 25 years.
Pat is the proud father of three adult children, all of whom are in college. ♦