Kevin Fortuna
Kevin Fortuna is a technology entrepreneur. Currently, he is the founder of Gramercy Labs, an NYC-based incubator that has launched successful startups such as Lot18, Popdust and GeistM. He is also the former president of Quigo, an advertising technology company that was sold to AOL Time Warner in 2007.
Kevin graduated summa cum laude from Georgetown University and earned an M.F.A. in Fiction from the University of New Orleans, where he studied on a full fellowship. His family hails from Cobh, County Cork, and his mother is an Irish citizen.
Kevin serves on the board of directors of Concern Worldwide, and his heritage has found its way into his writing. His debut collection of short stories, The Dunning Man, features an edgy cast of Irish and Irish American characters. The title story of his book was made into a feature-length film that will be released in 2017. Directed by Michael Clayton, the movie will star James Carpinello, Dawn-Lyen Gardner and Nicoye Banks.