John Nallen
As Executive VP of Finance, John Nallen is in charge of capital market and merger and acquisition operations, along with other company-wide
operation initiatives. John joined News Corporation in 1995. He has played important roles in recent transactions, including the purchase of interest in DirecTV, the sale of the LA Dodgers, and the IPOs of Fox Entertainment Group and News Digital Systems. News Corporation is one of the largest global media corporations with revenues of $28 billion.
A first-generation Irish-American – his parents emigrated from Belmulett in County Mayo – John travels to Ireland three to four times a year for
business and enjoyment. He is on the board of the Ireland-U.S. Council for Commerce and Industry, the Irish-American Historical Society, and Carne Golf Club in Mayo. John is also a member of the Wild Geese. He graduated from Iona College with a BBA, and he recently received the Brother Loftus Award for achievements in business. He lives in Connecticut with his wife Patricia and their two children Kelly and Daniel.