Emmet Savage
Emmet Savage is CEO and co-founder of Rubicoin, a Dublin and New York based company with a mission to get the world investing. Over the past 20 years, Emmet has taught stock investing to wide audiences, contributed as a writer to The Motley Fool and broadcast all decisions relating to his personal portfolio. In January 2014, the audited average annual return of his personal stock portfolio was in excess of 24.4% per year for eleven years. For the last 5 years, his return was 44% per annum. Almost everything he owns is invested in U.S.-listed stocks.
Rubicoin stands for getting started, moving new investors from Zero to One. Emmet’s passion is to make it simple for people to start investing by giving straightforward instructions on how to buy shares and make clear choices on what shares to buy. Rubicoin has developed proprietary technology to make it easy for new investors to identify and buy great stocks that they believe in.
Emmet was born, educated, and lives in Dublin, Ireland. He studied Physics in Dublin City University, Finance in the Irish Management Institute, and Business Strategy at Trinity College Dublin.