Emma Meagher, M.D.
Dr. Emma Meagher is an associate professor of medicine and pharmacology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to her tenure at Penn, Emma was a senior lecturer of cardiovascular medicine at Mater Hospital in University College Dublin following her completion of a residency there. While at Penn, Emma, with colleagues from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, pioneered a mentor-leadership training program that has seen 75 mentors trained since 2012. Emma has also been highly prolific in the academic world with interests in the development of novel education programs in translational research and of therapeutics for dyslipidemia.
Emma is a native of Dublin with family from Offaly, Tipperary, McMullin, and Cavan on her father and mother’s sides. She says of her Irish heritage, “it is who I am.” Emma attended the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland where she graduated summa cum laude, receiving a medical degree. Emma is an active member of many organizations including the board of directors for the National Association for Clinical and Translational Science, where she serves as the chair for Education and Mentoring. Among her many honors, Emma is the recipient of two National Institute of Health Clinical Associate Physician Research Awards and numerous awards for teaching excellence, including the university’s highest teaching honor, the Lindback Award for Medical Education.
Emma and her husband Noel Williams have four children, Cameron, Cia, Simon, and Nicole.