Dr. Kevin Cahill
Dr. Kevin Cahill is at the helm of the American Irish Historical Society as that august organization celebrates its 100th year in existence. On January 20, 1897, the Society was founded by 50 men of Irish nationality or descent in the old Revere House in Boston.
Last January, the Society celebrated its anniversary in its landmark home on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Dr. Cahill works with the Society to try to raise the awareness of Irish Americans of their culture, history and ancestry, through lectures at the Society and through the pages of its journal, The Recorder.
Dr. Cahill himself is an author, having published a definitive work on the use of land mines in war, as well as works on famine, politics and medicine in Africa, Central America and Ireland.
Dr. Cahill was the first American to receive a papal award, the Grand Cross Pro Merito Melitensi, and, as a medical doctor, previously treated Pope John Paul II.