Darren Donohue
D&D Power
Darren Donohue is the president of D&D Power. A Marist College graduate and Hall of Fame basketball player, Darren began his career in 1990 for a local utility company, Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. as a trainee lineman. During his over 18 years of employment, he became a foreman. In 2009, Darren resigned from National Grid to start his own company and D&D Power, LLC was launched. Darren purchased his first utility bucket truck on a personal bank credit card at an auction sale in western New York. After building the company over nine years his company had over 1,400 utility vehicles in the state of New York. In July of 2018, Darren’s company was acquired by Arrow Equity located in Boca Raton and became an integral division of BHI Energy. Before the purchase of D&D Power, the company achieved financial growth of over 800 million dollars. Darren has remained with BHI Energy running D&D Power, LLC. Darren is fourth generation Irish, his mother’s family is from Galway and his father is from Cork. Darren currently resides in Loudonville, New York with his wife Danielle, and children Katie and Jack.