The story of playwright Mary Chase and how the classic comedy Harvey was influenced by her Irish heritage. During summertime in cities and towns across the U.S., movies are screened outdoors. Scheduled for showing during the summer of 2016 at New York City’s Bryant Park Film Festival was a 1950 Academy Award-winning comedy based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning play – Harvey, … [Read more...] about Mary Chase: The Woman Behind “Harvey”
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Tim Kaine's Irish Roots
Just how Irish is the Democratic vice-presidential nominee? And what does Tim Kaine's family tree have in common with Downtown Abbey? ℘℘℘ No sooner had Hillary Clinton announced Tim Kaine as her running mate than articles on his roots began to appear – mostly about his inherent Irishness. There’s good reason for this, as he is of mostly Irish heritage – about 80 percent, with … [Read more...] about Tim Kaine's Irish Roots
A Reflection on Simplicity
The Irish-born biologist and parasitologist William Cecil Campbell, who was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine, talks to Patricia Harty. For those of us fortunate enough to turn a simple tap to take a nice relaxing bath or long hot shower, it’s hard to imagine risking the loss of your eyesight for a single bucket of water. But for centuries, onchocerciasis, commonly … [Read more...] about A Reflection on Simplicity
A Second Chance at Life
One of the country’s top transplant researchers is Dr. Barbara Murphy, the Dublin-born chair of medicine at Mount Sinai Health System in New York. Her expertise in the field of renal transplants gives patients a second chance to live healthy, normal lives. Dr. Barbara Murphy, Murray M. Rosenberg Professor of Medicine and chair of the Department of Medicine for Mount Sinai … [Read more...] about A Second Chance at Life
A Different Key
ABC’s John Donvan captures the challenges, activism and inspiration of living with autism. ℘℘℘ Robert Foster Kennedy was born in Belfast, where he studied to become a doctor at Queens College. In 1942, Kennedy published a chilling article in the American Journal of Psychiatry. As described by veteran ABC News television correspondent John Donvan in his fascinating new book In … [Read more...] about A Different Key