Some 1,500 international neuroscientists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, patient advocates, and patient organizations gathered in Dublin for the BNA2019 Festival of Neuroscience, the biggest neuroscience festival held in Europe in 2019 and the first time it was held outside of Britain. The festival took place from April 14-19 in Dublin.
Lead organizer of the public program, Dr Áine Kelly, TCD, said: “The public outreach program of the festival provided wonderful opportunities for the general public to hear about brain health and brain research directly from world-leading neuroscience researchers. Many events focused on neurological or psychiatric conditions including Huntington’s disease, delirium, depression, teenage mental health, and epilepsy.” There was a strong arts focus to the program, which included films screenings, music, dance performances, and a neuroscience-themed art installation. ♦
BNA 2019 Festival of Neuroscience

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