My mother Christine Daly (née Flynn), born in CastleGregory, County Kerry, came to the U.S. in 1949 when her Aunt Molly sponsored her. She met our late dad – Patrick Daly – also from Kerry (Killarney) and married him in 1951.
I came along in 1952, my sister Ann in ’53 and our brother Michael in ’55. Our Irish parents raised us in the beautiful Bronx, and the three Daly ‘kids’ owe all our success in life to their example of hard work and devotion to their adopted homeland.
This photograph of Mom, circa early 1970s, shows her at her New York Telephone Company operator board. She worked as a long distance call operator in the Bronx and then in New Jersey after the family moved to Bergen County in 1976.
“Ma Bell” was a great company for many Irish immigrants here in New York. She worked at the phone company for over 20 years.
Our Mom is still active in “The Pioneers,” the retirement club for the telephone company workers. She is a very loving grandmother to her six grandchildren, Laura, Ryan, Courtney, Keelan, Colin and Sarah Christine. They are all very proud of their Flynn and Daly family heritage! Mom stays in touch with her extended family in Ireland who are now located throughout Kerry, Cork and Dublin. Her nieces, nephews and cousins are always welcome when they visit the U.S.
Martin Daly is Senior Vice President and Director of News and Late Night Sales for CBS.
St. Simon Stock grammar? You were on DOC’s team in the AC playing softball in EBB schoolyard—
I was Pat – and fondly remember those days. Our Mom passed away yesterday at age 87 – she was a Great Woman and raised us well. In case you didn’t know Doc Dillion passed away earlier this year too. I hope your sister Noreen is well she and my sister Ann were in the same class at SSS. Take care #
My mom worked there too in the 60’s into the 70’s. She was also from Ireland, Tipperary County Cashel. I wonder if they knew each other. Unfortunately my mom passed Dec 2015.